The Black Parades [死人死] Are Recruiting for GVG+HA
The Black Parades are back! Again!
Hey guys, with Guild Wars 2 coming out soon, a lot of old members have been coming back and we are looking to get back into some HA and GVG. We are a very old guild, we've been around for about 6 years now. Most of us haven't gvg'd a ton, so anyone who can bring some experience in that aspect of the game is definitely needed. All of us are r8/9+... We are looking to run some typical balanced builds, and maybe some cheesy stuff for fun.
Our Requirements Are....
The way we usually deal with new members is a 30 day trial where we HA with you see how experienced you are at it, and what builds you can run well. If you are mature enough,play well enough, and are competent then you will become a full fledged member, which pretty much means its hard for you to get kicked
Rank - 6+Hero or 1+ Champ
Age - 17+
(Maturity factor)
Vent/Working Microphone - fluency in English.
(Requirement for any PvP guild, I'm fairly sure)
Play times around -5 to -7 GMT
(This is not a strict requirement, but you wont get a lot of playtime thats not normal for these timezones)
PM Wika Sham or Alpha Rawr if you have any questions
Last edited by Wika Sham; Mar 14, 2012 at 01:01 AM // 01:01..